Country Finder Form:
Before you proceed to access the Country of your choice, you need to know some salient points especially if you wish to become a Distributor. These points are required for the registration process. Apart from the mandatory requirement, it is also very important to you as a new distributor need to have adequate support from your sponsor. Many distributors have ruined their businesses just because they either did not receive adequate support or they ignored what their sponsors advised them to do. That's just by the way. The enrolment/registration process requires you to enter Your Sponsor's Details in the Application form. It is mandatory so give the following information adequate attention: Your Sponsor’s details that you need in the relevant 3 boxes at bottom of the Application form are contained in the screen that comes up after submitting this Country finder form. It is advisable for you to write down or print those details ready to hand as you need them to complete the main Application form. Now Complete the form at the right and click submit. In the message that comes after submitting the form, follow the following 3 steps: 1.) Click (or copy & paste to your browser) the link shown to access the country that you want. 2.) After you click on that link, Look at the top left hand corner of the screen that follows and find Location button. Beside it you will see a country name. 3.) Click on the country name for the drop down list of countries from where to select the country that you want. You may also need to access the main Application form. Click on or (Copy & Paste to your browser the website link shown on that screen) to access the main Application form. Once again, thank you for your interest and/or registering to become a Distributor. You may wish to visit our website again for more assistance. Please feel free to do so. |